Museum of Mosén Bruno Fierro – Saravillo

Mosén Bruno Fierro was a very peculiar priest. Although born in Barbastro in 1808, it was in Saravillo that he spent most of his priesthood and where he died in 1890.He was witty and sharp tongued and his life was peppered with the kind of anecdotes which, given his clerical standing, often raised eyebrows.

Legend has it that just when he was being ordained, due to his recent insane antics as a student, the bishop turned to him and said “I’m already feeling some regrets about ordaining you Bruno”, to which the young priest replied “ It’s just the first of many my Bishop!”

Village members that knew him said he was a Saint because he would disperse storms with a holy crucifix he carried with him. He appeared to send the storms up the valley to rain on Plan, a neighbouring village, instead of Saravillo.

His adventures and the rumours that went with them were such that he became a local living legend whose unpredictable behaviour was the gossip of the valley. 

Visitor centre opening times:

Mornings 11:00 a 13:30 and afternoons 18:00 a 20:30, also with previous arrangement by phone : 656008899-974506254.