The Gorge and Valley of Escuaín

Escuaín is one of the smallest, least known valleys in the National park but no less beautiful for it.  Gulleys and streams plunge down into big meadows and large swathes of forest. Bestué and its surrounding area is well worthwhile, as are the hamlets of Escuain and Revilla with their gentle footpaths down to the River Yaga and the Escuain gorges.

The valley is home to an exceptional variety of fauna, the best known of which is the Lammergeier or Bearded Vulture.  Escuaín is, without a doubt, one of the best places to observe it from. Around Gurrundué there is an extensive network of caves and potholes amongst the deep gorges formed by the River Yaga.

 Access to Escuaín is from Escalona on the road to Añisclo. A right turn after 600mt takes you up to Puértolas and Escuaín. 


Information points in the Escuain area.
• “Casa el Molino” Visitor centre: Calle La Iglesia s/n. 22364 Tella.
• Escuaín information point: Calle Única s/n. 22362 Escuaín.