Tourist boards in Sobrarbe

Timetables of the tourist boards in Sobrarbe



Two tourist boards in this city:

  • tourist board of the whole Sobrarbe region (in the old town, in the castle)
  • local tourist board (in the new town)


Tourist Board of the region of Sobrarbe (Ainsa)

open all year
castle of Ainsa, noth-east tower
974 500 512.
open everyday
From monday to thursday : 9.30 h -13h30 and 16h30 – 20h00.
from thursday to sunday : 9.30 h – 14 h and 16.00 h – 20h00


Local Tourist board (Ainsa)

Open all year
Avenida Pirenaica 1 (cruce de carreteras, parte nueva de Aínsa).
974 500 767
from monday to sunday :10,00 h – 14,00 h and 16,00 h – 19,30 h.


Tourist board
Open in high season
Calle Castillo s/n
974 300 372 / 974 300 326 / 974 500 800

open 11 h. – 14 h. and de 17 h.- 21 h

closed on mondays



Tourist board
Open in high seson (july and august, Easter and Spain national bank holidays)
located in the town hall, domnstairs.
974 501 127

tuesday to sunday:  10 – 13.30 hand 16 – 20 h.
Closed on mondays



Tourist board
Open all year
Avenida Ordesa 47
974 502 043.
tuesday to sunday: 10.00 h – 14.00 h
in the afternoon, tuesday to saturday: 18.00h – 21.00h
Sunday:10.00h – 14.00h.
closed on thursdays and sundays afternoon and on mondays (all day)



Tourist board
Open in high season
974 486 413.
monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday 10h00 – 13h30 and 16h00 – 20h30
friday, saturday and sunday: 9h30 – 13h30 and 16h00 – 20h30



Tourist board
Open in summer
 10 – 13.00 h and 18:00 – 20:00 h.
closed on mondays


LECINA (Biello Sobrarbe)

Tourist board
from  july, 14th to august 31st.
Everyday 10h00 – 14h00 and 16h00 – 20h00.


PLAN (Chistau valley)

Tourist board
Open in high season
974 506 400
Open from easter to october, 15th, on the weekends and, in summer, everyday except sundays and mondays afternoon.

10 – 13.30 h and 16:30 – 19:30 h.



Open in high season, everyday except on thursdays, from10 to 14 h and 15h30 – 18h00
+34 974 504 089



Tourist board
C/ Fatás, s/n. 22376 Torla.
Open in summer
974 486 378
thursday to tuesday:  9h30 – 13h30 and 17h30 – 21h00
closed on wednesdays.