Getting off the tarmac and into close contact with nature is how trail running was born- more and more people are getting into this sport every year. Hills, mountains, fields, rough tracks and countryside are the ideal terrain for trail runners.

The Aragonese Pyrenees hosts an impressive amount of trail running competitions in its various valleys. These cover all different types of race, from short runs to long distances. The events in the Sobrarbe region that got things started were the Peña Cancias circuit in Fiscal, the Peña Montañesa climb in Aínsa and the Os Foratos de Lomentas in Torla. The most challenging is the Ultra Trail Sobrarbe: 65km and more than 4000m accumulated ascent. A race which takes in a long stretch of the GR19, the footpath which links the south and north of the Region.

Go to the official website for each race and for more information and inscriptions:


Trail Redolada la Fueba

Carrera de montaña O viento Rondador

Carrera Graderas, Valle de Vió

Ultra Trail Sobrarbe