What do we do?

This is our main task. We need a single and specific voice in order to protect our business interests. Both on a regional and on a more specific level in regional business segmentsPromotional activities
As far as promotion is concerned, about 15,000 issues of the companies and services directory are published every year, both in Spanish and in other languages. The guide provides practical information for tourists as well as an exhaustive list of our members. It is possible to book an advert in this leaflet to publicise the companies that wish to appear with their photos.
The guide is taken to both national and international trade fairs and is used as a tool in promotional activities such as workshops. This leaflet is widely distributed: it is given to the association members, to any person who requires information about our region and it is obviously also delivered to the local and provincial tourist offices.
Promotional material also includes zone and mountain bike route maps.
The website www.pirineoturismo.com is another tool in the toolbox of the Asociación Empresarial Turística de Sobrarbe. Association members can use it and visitors can obtain first-hand information and simplify some administrative procedures with the Association. It is above all a portal to introduce our region and promote our services. We also manage, on a higher level, our part from the official Aragonese Pyrenees website www.venalpirineo.com
Training Centre
The Association cares about training. Therefore courses and seminars are organized throughout the year which may be of interest to the various sectors that form our Association. Here are a few examples: training courses in foreign languages, courses in tower crane, in food safety, in oenology, in customer service, in management skills and human resources… There are also lectures about interesting topics such as the hiring of immigrants or workplace health and safety. In short, issues that always arouse interest to our partners.
Please remember that we are open to any suggestions from our members!
Agreements signed by the Association
The Sobrarbe Tourist Association has signed some conventions that are considered profitable for its partner companies. We are also part of the following organizations and can access all their services and facilities for the benefit of our entrepreneurs.
– 2. FECOS
– 3. FATPA