Sobrarbe tradition and culture

Sobrarbe Tradition and Culture

The Winter Bonfires

The Winter Bonfires

The bonfires lit in Sobrarbe throughout January are in honour of the bearded Saints: San Victorián, San Sebastián, San Antón, ...
etecuida senderismo Chistén Sierra de Guara Aventura Pirineos Turismo Sobrarbe Patrimonio Sobrarbe Cultura Aragonesa Naturaleza Sobrarbe Senderismo Pirineos patrimonio Historia Sobrarbe Gastronomía Sobrarbe Ordesa Sobrarbe Boltaña museo Bielsa aventura Sobrarbe ainsa Turismo Sostenible ordesa AETS Parque Nacional Ordesa naturaleza Huesca La Fueva Cultura Sobrarbe Actividades Sobrarbe broto Alojamiento Sobrarbe Asociación Empresarial Turística de Sobrarbe Fiscal Aventura Pirineo Pirineo Aragonés sobrarbe Posets Maladeta monte perdido Torla

“La Falleta” and the Chistabin Day of Culture

Every year at summer solstice towards the end of June (23 and 24), San Juan de Plan celebrates the Chistabin ...
Sobrarbe Carnivals (Torla, La Fueva, Nerín, San Juan de Plan)

Sobrarbe Carnivals (Torla, La Fueva, Nerín, San Juan de Plan)

Carnival is one of Sobrarbe’s most celebrated fiestas taking place in the month of February.The most famous of them all ...
Espiello, the Sobrarbe International Festival of  Ethnographic Documentaries

Espiello, the Sobrarbe International Festival of Ethnographic Documentaries

Spain’s biggest Ethnographic Cinema Festival is held every spring in Boltaña. Documentaries from all over the world compete for the ...
Los Trucos - Chistau Valley

Los Trucos – Chistau Valley

 The fiesta of Los Trucos is held every year in the Chistau Valley for San Antón ( 17th of January) ...
The Navatas river descent - Laspuña

The Navatas river descent – Laspuña

One of spring’s most important dates in this part of the Pyrenees is the “Navatas”. This event commemorates the old ...
Bielsa Carnival

Bielsa Carnival

The month of February is the month to let it all out! Carnival, the most popular Fiesta in the Pyrenean ...
The Aínsa Morisma

The Aínsa Morisma

Every other year, on even years, the town of Ainsa celebrates La Morisma. This is a medieval street theatre pageant ...